Thirsk & Malton Labour

Mick Johnston, Secretary of the Thirsk and Malton Constituency Labour Party, is hoping to stand as a candidate in the upcoming NEC* by-election. Subject to receiving nominations from 5 CLPs, Mick wants to ensure that rural CLPs like ours are better represented at national level.
Mick’s background is forty years continuous membership of the Party, many years in a wide range of roles in both the Party and my Trade Union, Nalgo/Unison, and active engagement with numerous campaigns from support for the NUM during the miners’ strike through to anti fracking protests at Kirby Misperton.
Good luck to Mick on getting onto the ballot paper, and we hope all local members will support him by voting for him at the same time as the vote in the leadership election.
*The National Executive Committee (NEC) is the governing body of the Labour Party, setting the overall strategic direction of the party and policy development. The by-election will be held at the same time as the Leadership election.