Thirsk & Malton Labour

Thirsk & Malton CLP are launching a 326 Club to raise funds and give Members a chance to win a monthly cash prize.
Labour Party Members, supporters, families and friends can ‘buy ’one or more numbers for £2.50 per month per number.
The money raised is shared by a monthly draw with 25% awarded as the first prize, 15% awarded as the second prize and the remainder going to CLP funds.
Joining the 326 Club is a great way to support the local Labour Party and have a chance to win one of the cash prizes.
More than ever before we need to focus on electing 326 Labour MPs elected and forming a Labour Government.

The purpose of the 326 club is to raise funds. It is a small society lottery operated under licence from North Yorkshire Council.
The money raised will be paid into a Thirsk & Malton Constituency Labour Party (T&M CLP) bank account and used to fund T&M CLP election campaigns and related activity.
For £2.50 per month you can ‘buy’ a number to be allocated to you (maximum of 4 numbers per person).
Every month there will be draw for a 1st and 2nd prize. The draw will take place the Executive meeting or at an All-Member meeting using an electronic random number selector.
25% of the income will go to the 1st prize and 15% to the 2nd. The remaining 60% will be retained as CLP funds.
If 280 people each buy just one number, the 1st lucky prize winner would get £175 and the 2nd £105 with CLP funds boosted by £420 – every month!
More numbers bought means bigger monthly prizes and bigger funds for fighting elections.
Please will you help launch this amazing fund raiser?
• Buy up to 4 numbers per month yourself.
• Ask your family and friends who want to support the Labour Party to join the 326 Club and use a copy of this leaflet to ‘sign them up’.
Buying up to 4 numbers is easy, just fill in either a paper or electronic copy of the Subscriber application form and end it back ASAP
Send electronic copies to (an emailed photograph of a completed form will be fine).
OR hand in paper copies at your next Branch meeting or post to Sycamore House, Carlton Miniott, Thirsk, YO7 4NJ
For those who don’t use electronic banking, the attached Standing Order form can be used to complete and send/take to your Bank.
⭐️£⭐️double our funds in less than a year⭐️£⭐️
£⭐️give cash prizes of up to £280 per month1 ⭐️£