Thirsk & Malton Labour
Helen Tomlinson is the Labour candidate for the forthcoming by-election in Sowerby & Topcliffe on November 30th 2023. Helen brings strong local credentials to the area. In her words she says:
I have lived in this area for over thirty years, bringing up three children, teaching in local schools, making music, writing, and working in community and environmental groups.
My working life was devoted to nurturing young people and I believe that everyone should be heard and able to fulfil their potential. Care, Communication and Education are the heart of our community and important to all.
Countrywide issues have particularly impacted the vulnerable groups in our society but affect us all and we need compassionate and practical solutions to deal with this at a local level; getting a dental appointment, for example, is not easy.
The preservation of our natural environment for future generations is imperative and, for us, this begins with looking after our Flatts and Cod Beck area, campaigns that many of you will know that I have been involved with for some time. It is also about our living environment; it is about providing social housing and it is about providing new cycle ways, amongst others.
I want the people who make up our caring and active community to be recognised, respected and heard. For example, should we wake up to find we suddenly have a one-way system we hadn’t heard about, without more obvious consultation?
After thirteen years of a Conservative Government Britain is broken and we are lucky that in our area a network of volunteer groups are there to enhance our lives, but our care and communication should not be reliant on this system.
In May of 2022 the people of Sowerby & Topcliffe voted for change in their political representation after long years of Conservative domination. I believe I can build on this spirit of enthusiasm and good values that our community deserves.
The Labour group on North Yorkshire council is the most effective, most organised opposition to the razor-thin Conservative control, I ask you to elect me to help us to end the Conservative domination of the council in the same manner that you ended the Conservative domination in Sowerby at the last election in May 2022.
Thank you for your interest in my campaign, I look forward to meeting you on the campaign trail.